Fields of Dreams: Young Farmers in Rockbridge
The Grants- Luke (20), Logan (23), and Isabell (18)

Luke Grant stands on his parent’s farm with his dog, Cinch.

Logan Grant stands on his parent’s Timber Ridge property.

Isabell Grant stands in the barn she rents for her horses, Jetta and Folton.

Angie Grant enters her barn to bottle feed her lambs.

Luke shows off his receipt from the stock yard. He sold five calves and two heifers.

Luke feeds one of his new calves.

One of Luke’s calves.

Angie’s lambs.

The inside of the Staunton Union Stock Yards.

Jordan Taylor (22)
Madeline Dunn (22), Chamberlain Wyant (22) and Rhys Davis (23)
The Taylors- William (16), Joseph (14), Titus (12), Mark (10), and Matthew (10)

Kaitlin Smith (28)
Jennifer Leech (33)
Calvin Stoltfus (34)